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TDI Extended range

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TDI Extended Rang is a specialty course intended for divers who do not have easy access to Trimix. It emphasizes skills development, solid procedures, and diver responses to situations. The Extended Range environment allows students to safely use two decompression gasses. TDI Extended Range training dives are conducted on air, nitrox, or both.

TDI Trimix

TDI Trimix certification opens the doors to many new dive sites. This certification also allows divers to have more bottom time, and can go up to 60 meters/200 feet. Extended Range training is also available via eLearning. TDI eLearning is available online if you cannot find a dive shop in your area. This course will educate you about extended range diving.

The Extended Range course can help you dive in more challenging places and reduce your nitrogen addiction. You'll learn how to plan and execute stage decompression dives by using up to two stage bottles and enriched air or oxygen. You can also combine the Extended Range course with TDI Trimix Diver certification.

TDI Trimix training prepares you for advanced diving. It allows you to dive to 60m in normal conditions. TDI Trimix training emphasizes skill development and safety, as problems at this depth must be dealt with quickly. Divers must be familiar with the procedures and feel comfortable using them.



TDI Extended range