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Five reasons why you should join the Army's Underwater Army

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The Army's submarine army is a great option for you. These reasons can range from Da Vinci’s underwater army to the most challenging course available for combat divers in Army. Even dolphins can be trained! Here are five reasons to join the Army's submerged army. It is the only way to be a combat diver.

Da Vinci's submerged army

Leonardo da Vinci created the diving suit. It was a device that could have helped Venice defeat the Ottoman navy around the 16th century. The Mediterranean Coast was at that time in turmoil, embroiled in a series international border disputes and even a full-scale conflict.

Leonardo da Vinci was an artist of Renaissance who was fascinated by the underwater environment. He imagined a diving army to resist enemy ship invasions. They would have diving suits that they could use to cut through enemy ships' shells. Although this plan didn't materialize, the underwater army that he created may have inspired the first scuba equipment.

Special Forces Combat Diving School in Florida Keys

If you are interested in joining the military and want to learn how to conduct covert missions underwater, you can enroll in a Special Forces combat diving school in the Florida Keys. This course will teach you how to use heavy closed-circuit diving equipment. These equipments do not produce bubbles, making them very clandestine and perfect for covert missions. Students will be taught how a'mixedgas' system works, such as a Draeger LARV. It recycles mixed gases that a diver exhales back to the cylinder. Students will also learn diving physics and physiological principles during the course. They will also learn how the to treat any injuries suffered by divers while submerged.

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One of the U.S. Army’s Special Forces Underwater Operations schools (or SFUWO) is located in the waters around the Florida Keys. It is part of the U.S. Army’s Southeast Command. Since the 1960s, this facility has been in Keys operation. Combat diving training includes instruction in how to navigate on the seafloor. This is essential because a contractor used to excavate munitions left over from the Civil War. SFUWO divers were then joined by the NOAA Blue Star program which seeks to protect the marine environment against harmful materials.

Army combat divers face the toughest challenge

The combat diver qualification course focuses on tactical aspects of combat diving. The Mark 25 Draeger Oxygen Rebreather is a closed-circuit underwater breathing device that emits no bubbles. This allows operators to safely swim unnoticed. Combat divers learn how to navigate oceans and implement various insertion- and extraction strategies. This is the most difficult course for combat divers.

Falkenstine successfully completed the seven-week Combat Diver Qualification Course and was then invited to return to the supervisor course. This allows them to supervise combat dive operations. Although combat diving requires a high degree of physical fitness, it is also a mental challenge. Falkenstine admits that the training can be very challenging but she is proud to be part of this elite group. She believes the camaraderie among combat divers is unmatched.

Training with dolphins

Developing an underwater army with dolphins is not a new idea. The Soviet Union used dolphins to train their sailors. It also uses seals, and other marine mammals in its training program. Though the program was discontinued after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Ukrainian navy resumed its training program a few years ago.

Dolphins can swim faster than humans, and they have superior diving and swimming skills. They can also dive without suffering from decompression sickness, making them excellent patrol animals. However, ethical concerns surround the use and possession of dolphins to be used as weapons. Animal rights activists have long called for the end of this program.

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There are dangers to diving in the Gulf of Mexico

Oil spilled into the Gulf of Mexico has left behind oily liquids and volatile, flammable substances. These chemicals can be harmful to marine life as well as those who are involved in clean-up. Avoid any oily areas if you are diving in the Gulf of Mexico.

Despite the fact that commercial divers are equipped with sophisticated breathing equipment, the aquatic environment is still extremely challenging. The water is cold, the currents are torturous, and visibility is often poor. Divers should be on the lookout for mud, sand, sharks, and stinging plants. Hyperbaric pressure can also be dangerous for divers.


Five reasons why you should join the Army's Underwater Army