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Diving at Blue Heron Bridge

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Blue Heron Bridge will be a favorite spot for divers. The depth ranges between 2-6m (5-20ft) and is great for novice and expert divers. There is plenty of marine life to explore including schooling grunts, macro divers' dream, and many other species. Be careful not to touch or disturb any marine life. Otherwise, you'll end up being a target for poachers.

Diving at the Blue Heron Bridge

If you're interested in scuba diving and would like to try it out at this spectacular site, here are a few tips: First, be sure to arrive early to secure parking. Parking is available under the bridge. If parking is not possible, you can park at the beach. After parking, take inventory of your gear and equipment before entering the water. Once you've finished, leave the car in the parking lot.

Macro divers' dream

Blue Heron Bridge is a dream dive for macro divers, particularly photographers, because it provides an incredible variety of marine life at such a shallow depth. The underwater landscape is also a photographer's paradise, with a variety of invertebrates, octopus, frogfish, batfish, and seahorses to admire. High slack tide is the best time to dive at the Blue Heron Bridge, as it is clearest.

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Poachers' target

For seven years now, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has resisted efforts to implement regulations to protect the blue herons in Lake Worth Lagoon. However, supporters are bringing this issue back to the forefront. Local divers reported seeing hundreds of native species of fish taken from the bridge. They were then sold for thousands. Now, they are asking Palm Beach County officials not to enforce the restrictions.

Night diving

Blue Heron Bridge night diving is not for the weak-hearted, despite its popular name. This dive site is both beautiful and very accessible. Parking is possible beneath the bridge. However you should be careful to not block the walkway. By blocking the walkway, you run the risk of being pulled into deep water. Be sure to arrive early in order to secure a parking space. Before getting gear, take stock of your equipment.


Blue Heron Bridge dives require a flag and caution. The waters around the bridge tend to be shallow and the currents can be strong. Plan your dives for high tide and low tide to maximize visibility. Before you go underwater, bring down a diver flag. You must be careful not get in the boat channels. Blue Heron Bridge can make for a very long dive. Make sure you have thermal protection in place and use dive flags. Diving at this site is best done with a one tank dive.


Blue Heron Bridge, which is not as coral-rich as Florida's coral reefs, is a very muddy wasteland. It is important to use slow propulsion and buoyancy. This muddy landscape is easily displaced, and it is important to find movement to ensure a comfortable dive. While the surface of the water may look calm, the bottom can be affected by rough weather or heavy rainfall. These factors will make your dive more enjoyable.

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Tidal range

Located in Florida, the Blue Heron Bridge offers divers the opportunity to explore the underwater world in an unmatched way. This natural bridge is home to a wide variety of marine life, including invertebrates, fish, and even a rare species of spotted gurnard. The bridge is also home to seahorses as well as spotted eagle Rays. It is not advised to dive under the bridge unless your training has been completed.


Diving at Blue Heron Bridge