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The Universal Referral Form Scuba

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The Universal referral form scuba online tool can be tailored to your specific needs. You can sign it electronically and print it out. For any questions, support staff can be reached for assistance. Contact the support team if you have any questions or concerns about the form. They will be happy to help you.

PADI Open Water Diver certificate

A student diver should present the PADI Universal Referral form for Open Water Diver Certification (PDF) to a certified instructor. It states that a diver had initial training from another diving organization. It directs the dive instructor to complete open water dives for the student, sign a certification statement, and then send the form to their original instructor, who should certificate the diver.

Although you can use the Universal Referral Form to obtain the certification, PADI insists that you complete this course within twelve months from your last training. This is usually a two- or three day course. You will be required to be able dive with your buddy at a maximum depth to 60 feet/18 meters.

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Statement of medical necessity

To become a certified scuba diver, you will need to complete a Medical Statement for Universal Referral. This form is essential to make sure that you are as healthy and fit as possible before you start diving. It's designed to ensure your safety while you're underwater, so make sure to answer every question honestly.

First, check that your physician has signed the form. This is a requirement when you first start training as a scuba diver. A medical release is required for any new medical conditions. Finally, it is a good idea to always have a photocopy on hand of your certificate card.


A medical statement is required before a diver can open-water dive. This will usually be completed before the certification course begins. A doctor must sign the medical release. Changing medical conditions require a new medical release. PADI can provide a medical release. The medical release is equivalent to the PADI Release of Liability/Assumption of Risk/Non-agency Acknowledgement Form - General Training or the EU version.

The universal referral form differs from the one in a logbook. It will detail the number of open water dives the student has taken and the knowledge development sections they have completed. The instructor will sign the document certifying that the student has done the required dives. The student takes the completed form to his or her instructor and asks for certification.

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The course requirements

Most well-known scuba certification agencies participate in the Universal Referral Program. This means that a diver could take the theory, pool and open water courses with the local dive center while completing the open water inspection dives with another agency. This can be accomplished with the assistance of a dive shop that participates in a universal referral program, such as SSI/NAUI/NASDSS/YMCA or any other organization.

PADI Open Water Divers requires that students pass the Knowledge Development as well as Open Water Dives sections. A medical release must be signed by the student diver before he or she can dive. The student diver must also provide a photo to accompany his or her certification card. Digital images can be accepted.


The Universal Referral Form Scuba