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How to improve your technical diving skills


You will be able to enhance your technical diving skills by becoming familiar with your gear. This will enable you to quickly locate it in the event of a problem. It's also helpful to practice using your backup equipment. While you shouldn't dive with your backup equipment, you should practice using it when necessary. This will ensure you have a backup set of gear in case something goes wrong.


Technical divers should be able to use a decompression device. Technical divers must be able calculate the number and order of decompression stops necessary to perform a multilevel dive.

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The NAUI technical diving skills class requires 20 hours of classroom instruction and focuses on advanced diving skills. It also includes advanced lifesaving, rescue, or contingency procedures. For this course to be offered, students need to have advanced certification as a diver or an equivalent. Prerequisites and a minimum age are also required.


GUE technical diving skills certification gives you the ability to perform rescue or technical dive operations. These skills include the ability switch regulators and valves underwater, manage an unconscious diver, and use GUE equipment within the water. In addition, scuba divers must demonstrate competence in open water skills, including ascent and descent procedures. Scuba divers must also be able to swim 500 meters (450 m) in one breath, use basic equipment, and know their limits.


IANTD Technical Divers adds a new level safety and confidence to diving. The program teaches students to use rebreathers that have cutting-edge benefits like extended bottom time and better decompression.


The DSAT TecRec range of technical diving skills courses was first developed in the early 2000s. These courses consistently produce highly skilled technical divers. Its training methods include state-of the-art training materials, and a logical integrated curriculum flow. The training levels range from basic to advanced. Students can progress at their own pace while gaining experience at each level.

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If you love diving and want to get more advanced, you can enroll in a PADI technical diving skills course. PADI Tec courses include everything you need to know about planning and using decompression equipment. Learn how to decompress at depths of up to 50m (165ft) and how to use a decompression software program. There are several different levels of this course, and the goal is to become a professional technical diver.


How to improve your technical diving skills