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Trimix Diverse Courses

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It is essential to be knowledgeable about the types of gas used and the mix ratios that are required for recreational trimix divers certification. Learn the basics of Normoxic, Hypoxic and Heliox diving and how to handle your equipment. You will also need to know how to maintain body posture underwater. These are the main requirements for this type certification. You will need several sessions in confined water to obtain your card.


The IANTD Normoxic Normmix Diving course is designed to train divers who are interested in diving up to 60 metres without using oxygen. This course includes both a theory and confined water skills practice. This course includes theory and four stages of decompression diving. During these dives, students practice skills for emergency scenarios. After completing the course, students can apply for the full CCR trimix certificate.

Technical diver training might be different from the other levels of trimix divers. The bottom mix can be used by a normoxic trimix diver. Hypoxic trimix divers, however, will need to dive in a mix of travel and bottom gas to start their descent. This can lead to more complicated procedures because the diver must switch between gases during each descent. Additionally, hypoxic trimix divers may need to dive longer and with more mixtures.

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The SSI Hypoxic Trimix Diver class is the highest-ranking technical diving course. This course teaches advanced techniques and demonstrates the correct use of travel gas. Students will also learn about technical diving's hazards and how to react in an emergency. Six dives are required to be equipped with anoxia-reducing equipment.

The oxygen content in normal air is between 20 and 21 percent. The minimum content of oxygen is 18%. However, at sea level, breathing normal air is safe because atmospheric pressure is around one bar. Divers must use a blend of travel mixes when diving in waters with less than 18% oxygen. This will help divers breathe deeper. You should remember that 100 meters of diving requires more oxygen than normal air. Hypoxic divers need to use travel mixes in order to compensate.


Several myths about heliox and diving have arisen since the Hans Keller tragedy. Some were concerned by the long decompression time of helium. Others were more concerned about CNS effects. These myths were fueled by the fact that helium is rare and expensive. Hydrogen, on other hand, can be found in abundance, is inexpensive, and has very few toxicity concerns. Hydrogen can also be used at any depth.

The Navy Experimental Diving Unit was the first organization to research the science of diving. The research team developed the first working heliox tables more than eighty years ago. The mixed gas myth was disproven by them. In fact, they have developed a table for decompression that may reduce the likelihood of your death from diving. Diving with heliox should follow all instructions.

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Heliox 32

The Heliox 32 trimix divers is a great alternative to the Heliair standard diving mixture. This gas has less than 21% of oxygen. As a result, it is not only cheaper than air but is also less toxic. It is recommended to be used for diving at all depths. There are many things you need to remember before switching to this type of gas. This gas is described in detail below. You may be amazed at the results it can provide for your particular needs.

When choosing a tank, you have to consider the type of dive that you will be taking. Heliox and Nitrox diver tanks should be lower in helium, since they each release oxygen at different rates. Divers who combine both are dangerous and can get decompression sick. Safety of a diving partner is also important, since they may be able and willing to share your weight.


Trimix Diverse Courses