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TDI Institute of Diving Training


TDI offers 4 levels of certification. Each level is different, and the training is tailored to the individual's needs. Training emphasizes Jungian psychology as well as typology. The training also teaches divers how to plan dives. This skill is crucial for a successful career in diving. It is recognized worldwide and highly respected.

TDI offers 4 qualifications

TDI Institute is located in Whiteland, IN and offers four qualifications: a Commercial Driver's License (CDL), Driver's License, and a Master's in Business Administration (MBA). Although each qualification is different, the average time it takes to complete education training is three to four weeks. The tuition cost is around $5,000. However, most reviewers found they were able get grants or scholarships to offset the costs.

TDI offers credit hours for courses that have been approved by the Institute. Each semester hour equals eight credit hours. In addition, TDI also awards credit hours for ethics courses, real estate courses, mortgage lending, and ethical conduct courses.

It focuses on typology

Typology describes the study of different types and how they behave in a variety situations. Training in TDI is intended to increase individuals' awareness of how their type characteristics influence their behavior in specific situations. It is important to remember that a person’s type isn’t a fixed trait that cannot be changed.

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There are many kinds of personality. Some overlap with others. A personality inventory will tell an individual how his or her personality types function, but it has limited predictive power. The results are often not relevant to actual life circumstances.

It focuses specifically on Jungian psychology

Jungian psychology is a type of archetypal psychology that emphasizes creative exploration. The field provides a variety of theories, techniques, and tools that can be used to solve common problems throughout history. This approach focuses TDI Training on Jungian concepts in relation to human behavior.

Jungian therapy places emphasis on religion but this is not necessary. Carl Jung advised patients to find meaning within their religion. However, many mainstream religions are no longer relevant today. Jung believed that one should find their own source or meaning in a broader context. This may involve finding balance across many aspects of one's personality.

It helps divers plan their dives.

Divers learn how to plan dives with the TDI training program. It also provides the basic skills necessary for a safe dive. It covers skills like buoyancy, weighting, navigation underwater, and marine conservation. TDI training teaches divers the art of planning dives to ensure they don’t go overboard.

The first TDI course teaches a diver what to do and how it can be planned. The second course will teach advanced diving skills. This course helps divers to plan dives in different types of terrains. Advanced divers can dive in difficult terrains while others may dive in shallower waters.

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Divers learn to mix scuba gasses.

TDI training may be a good choice for advanced scuba divers. This special course teaches you how to properly handle oxygenated air and how to decompress with different gas blends. The course will prepare you to be able stay at a specific depth longer and have more experience in a single dive.

Divers can learn to mix and analyze a variety scuba gases with TDI training. This training includes technical diving and proper equipment maintenance. The course also includes materials to help you study at home. The study guide is well-organized and comprehensive. It includes topics such as how to become a gas blender or the equipment needed to create the mixtures. After successful completion, certification is granted.


TDI Institute of Diving Training