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Mechanisms and Symptoms for Nitrogen Narcosis

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A condition called nitrogen narcosis, where the body suffers from a lack oxygen and becomes deaf, is known as nitrogen narcosis. Many divers experience severe impairment when they breathe in air at 60 to 70 metres. Some even develop the condition at 30 meters. These symptoms do not increase in severity with time. They remain stable at a constant depth. However, they can get worse with higher pressures. Ascent causes symptoms to quickly reverse. This article will examine the symptoms and mechanisms associated with nitrogen narcosis.


It is a psychological condition that results from high levels of nitrogen in blood. It is most common at dives below 30 m. However, it can also occur at lower depths. Divers must be able recognize symptoms to ensure they seek immediate medical attention. You should immediately seek medical attention if any of the symptoms are present. You should immediately contact a doctor if you experience severe symptoms of nitrogen narcosis.

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The mechanism of the nitrogen narcosis state is still not understood. However, the effects are similar in severity to altitude sickness. While good cardiovascular fitness does not protect against the side effects of nitrogen narcosisis, it can make the symptoms more severe. Additionally, heavy physical labor and fatigue as well as carbon dioxide retention can increase the likelihood of developing nitrogen narcosis. Additionally, marijuana and alcohol can increase the risk of developing this condition.

Predisposing factors

This is a very dangerous condition called nitrogen narcosis. You could be at increased risk due to several factors. Divers must be aware what to look out and avoid while diving. These include fatigue, excessive carbon and the use narcotics. Deep diving should be enjoyed regardless of these limitations.

The effects of judgment

In nitrogen narcosis, the brain functions of the patient are affected. This coma-like state is often accompanied by changes in the sense of time and handwriting. A coma-like state can also be caused by an exaggerated gait that can affect the ability to perform fine movements. Slow movements can reduce this impairment. Additionally, numbness in your legs, arms and lips can lead to a deadpan look.


Narcotics can slow down brain functions and cause mental confusion. It is believed that their effects are additive and synergistic. We don't know what effect they have on carbon dioxide. Both nitrogen and carbon dioxide can be found in the blood. However, there are some other possible comorbidities of nitrogen narcosis. Continue reading to find out more about these symptoms and others.

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Some people experience nitrogen narcosis symptoms that are similar to altitude illness. Your cardiovascular health is not enough to protect you against nitrogen narcosis. The risk of this condition is increased by thermal cold, fatigue, and excessive work. Retention of carbon dioxide makes nitrogen narcosis much more dangerous. People who are under the influence or marijuana, alcohol, or any other drugs, are particularly vulnerable to nitrogen narcosis.


Mechanisms and Symptoms for Nitrogen Narcosis