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Divers with Dive Specialties Make a Difference in Every Dive

diver certification

A Dive specialty is a subset in diving that can help divers develop valuable skills. A Diver with a Specialty can learn to make every dive a better experience. This type can often be specialized in a specific area and specialize in a particular type or equipment. Some of these specialties include Enriched Air Nitrox (EANx), Boat Diving, and Deep Scuba. You can learn more about these diving specialty below.

Enriched Air Nitrox

Learn more about the benefits and how to become a certified PADI Enriched Air diver (Nitrox). The specialty course includes independent study, practical exercises, and two optional nitrox dives. You can take the course online or offline and complete it at your own pace, no matter where you are diving. A scuba tank with special oxygen service standards is required to complete this specialization.

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Underwater Photography

Scuba diving is an excellent way to improve your skills and knowledge if you love taking photos. Unterwasser photography is one of the many diving specialty. This course will teach you the fundamental principles and techniques of underwater photography. The course will also teach you about underwater lighting, composition, and how to use it. Additionally, you will learn proper etiquette for underwater photography and how to properly photograph them. The PADI eLearning course will help you learn about underwater photography and connect you with an instructor.

Boat Diving

PADI Boat Diver Specialty Courses are for anyone who is just starting to dive or wants to learn more about boat diving. Learn about the various types of dive boat, proper etiquette, entry/exit procedures, and how you pack your gear for the trip. Learn about boat safety, how to deal with emergencies while out on the water, and more.

Deep Scuba

There are many Deep Scuba diving specialties. Certified divers have already completed the first dive in an Advanced Diver course and can go deeper. Deep Scuba divers must be able to recognize the effects of pressure and breathing when diving. Their body functions and systems are more vulnerable as they descend deeper. A safe deep dive should be planned and executed. Some specialties require more training than others. However, there are a few prerequisites for certification.

small scuba tank

Underwater Navigation

Navigation is an essential skill for scuba diving. Navigation underwater is an essential skill for any scuba diver, whether you are looking to locate a specific object or just to dive to beautiful reefs. Scuba divers need to be able navigate, so it is crucial to learn how to use the compasse correctly. There are many ways to practice underwater navigation.


Divers with Dive Specialties Make a Difference in Every Dive